Mission Statement
Our mission is to provide responsive and professional law enforcement service to rural San Joaquin County. The San Joaquin Agricultural Crimes Task Force will work in partnership with farmers, ranchers, and agriculture-related businesses to combat rising crime rates in rural areas. We will respond to calls for services, protect lives and property, arrest criminal offenders, and assist with crime prevention programs.
If this is an emergency, please call 911.
Non-Emergency Contacts:
Agricultural Crime Sergeant (209) 468-4449
Detective Main-Line (209) 468-4425
Email: agcrime@sjgov.org
Frequently Asked Questions
Why Should I Report loss or damage to the Sheriff's Office?
Reporting all crime and suspicious incidents the Sheriff’s Office provides information on crime in rural areas. From the reports, we learn about areas of criminal activity and types of crimes committed. This allows us to focus enforcement in these areas. Most brutal crimes related to the operation of the world communities such as planting, irrigation, spraying, grazing, etc.
What is Owner Applied Numbers (OAN)?
Owner Applied Numbers is a program marking your equipment with the numbers assigned to you or your business that can be traced by law enforcement. You can mark your machinery, pumps, chemicals, and even household goods. San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office in partnership with San Joaquin County Farm Bureau Federation will be bringing this program to San Joaquin County.
What is the rural crime alert program?
This program is designed to help reduce rural and agricultural crime. The farmer, rancher, or citizen should fill out the three-part notice of any suspicious vehicle or persons. One part is placed on the suspicious vehicle, the person keeps one part and the third part is mailed to the Sheriff’s Office. This program alerts the persons in the rural areas they are being watched. No criminal prosecution will result from the issuance of the card, information will be tracked.
What can I do to help to get my property back once it has been stolen?
Besides marking equipment with OAN, inventory of property is important. Inventory should consist of make, model number, and engine number, serial numbers or VIN (Vehicle Identification Numbers). They should be done on all your equipment from tractors to hand tools. Spray painting your irrigation pipes, pallets, bins, etc. Know the location of alternate marking or unusual markings or imperfections.
Should we still mark our equipment with our driver's license or social security numbers?
No, and in today’s high-tech world using a driver’s license or social security number on your equipment allows criminal access to your personal information and possibilities of identity theft.