San Joaquin Sheriff's Office Logo

(209) 468-4400

7000 Michael Canlis Blvd.
French Camp, CA 95231

San Joaquin Sheriff's Office Logo

(209) 468-4400

7000 Michael Canlis Blvd.
French Camp, CA 95231

Frequently Asked Questions


San Joaquin Badge
What are your fees?

View our Fee Schedule for a full list of fees

What do you accept for payment of fees?

We accept Cash, Personal checks, Business checks, Certified checks, Master Card, Visa, and Debit cards at the counter. By mail, we accept Personal or business checks, Money orders, and Certified checks. Our E-filing system accepts credit and debit card payments only.

Who do I make payment of fees payable to?

San Joaquin County Sheriff (for bench warrants, make the check payable to “Sheriff").

Is there a charge for serving Domestic Violence Restraining Orders?
No, there is no fee for serving these documents.
Do you accept waivers from the court?

Yes, if the waiver indicates that Sheriff’s service fees are covered by the waiver, or if your documents (restraining orders with temporary orders issued) indicate that Sheriff’s service fees are waived. If you are using a waiver form FW-003, it must be a court-certified copy.

When do you make your service attempts?

We attempt service between the hours of 8 am and 6 pm, Monday through Friday, except holidays. Unless we have a valid reason to stop or not enough time, we will make no less than three (3) attempts to serve your documents. Due diligence is generally defined as three attempts at three different times of the day (morning, afternoon, early evening).

If the time I need you to attempt service is before 8am or after 6pm, what should I do?
Not all documents must be served by the Sheriff. You can contact a Registered Process Server, listed in the phone book under “Process Servers", or have anyone who is 18 years of age or older and not a party to the action serve the papers. The court requires that whoever completes the service fill out a Proof of Service form and submit it to the court, usually no less than five (5) days prior to the hearing date, if one has been set.
Can I call to get status on the service of my documents?
Please wait until one week prior to your court date before calling for status. Your proof of service or list of diligence will be mailed to you promptly following successful/unsuccessful service of your documents. If we were unable to serve your documents, please take our list of diligence and your returned documents back to the court for further instruction.

Where do I send documents to be served?

Sheriff – Civil Division,  7000 Michael Canlis Blvd., French Camp CA 95231

What do I need to enclose?

The documents you wish to have served along with an SER-001 Request for Sheriff to Serve Court Papers form, the SER-001A if service request is for a writ or levy, and a check for the fees. (exception— Earnings Withholding Orders) For more details return to our Civil Home Page and click on specific service type. If you have a court date, please be sure we have sufficient time to process your papers and make attempts to serve within the time limit.

What is an SER-001 Request for Sheriff to Serve Court Papers?

This is a state mandated Judicial Council form required to tell the Sheriff who, where, and how to serve your document(s). Without this completed form, your service request will be rejected. Please be sure to sign it. If you have an attorney, your attorney must sign it. Include your mailing address or attorney's address for all written communications. If you provide the optional phone number and/or email address it may help us to provide information faster. (This letter is not needed for Earnings Witholding Orders, please furnish all pertinent information on the Application for E.W.O.)

What are your hours?

We are open from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday, except holidays. Service attempts are made 8:00 am until 6:00 pm Monday through Friday, except holidays. Our office will only take status calls on TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND THURSDAY (except holidays).

What happens after you serve my paper?

We will mail your Proof of Service directly to you at the address you provide on the SER-001. You will need to take it to the court before your court date—you may wish to make a copy for yourself.

What happens if you cannot serve my paper?
We will return your papers to you along with a letter explaining why we were unable to serve it. The fee for service is not refundable.
Do I need to enclose a money order for fees?
No, a personal or business check is fine.
I want to evict a tenant, can you help me?
Unfortunately, we are unable to provide legal advice. If you are unfamiliar with eviction procedures, you may hire an eviction service. They are listed in the yellow pages under evictions.
How long does it take your office to process an eviction?

The lockout date is usually 10-14 days from when we receive your paperwork. You will receive a letter prior to the final lockout date with instructions and time to meet our deputies to complete the eviction.

How do I obtain a balance due on a garnishment?

Please email, fax the request to (209) 468-5516, or call (209) 468-4482. We will need the Levying Officer File No. and the last payment sent.

Can I get a status on my garnishment?
Please wait at least 6-8 weeks before contacting us. You will be sent a notice when we received funds and those funds will be disbursed to you about two weeks later (unless something has happened to put a hold on the account.)
HELP! My wages are being garnished and I can’t pay my rent!

The law allows you to file what is called a Claim of Exemption. This is a way to ask for a smaller amount to be withheld per pay period. Go to our FORMS page - you will need to print out the Claim of Exemption (Wage Garnishment) form (WG-006) and the Financial Statement form (WG-007/EJ-165). Submit an original plus two copies of each form to us.

I have filed bankruptcy – how do I stop my wage garnishment?

We need a copy of the face sheet of your bankruptcy after you have filed it. You may fax it, mail it or hand carry it to us. Be sure to take it to the correct office – that information is on your copy of the garnishment in the top right-hand corner. We will need the Levying Officer File No. in order to process your release. If you know the fax number for your payroll, provide that also, and we will fax your release to them. 

What is your fax number?
Main Office – French Camp (209) 468-5516
Is there a charge to serve a Restraining Order on an inmate in jail or prison?
There is no charge to serve a Domestic Violence or Elderly Abuse Restraining Order. Other orders require a waiver on the Order itself or a certified copy of the fee waiver from the court (FW-003).

Custody FAQs

San Joaquin Badge
How do I find out whether someone is in custody?

You may call 468-4562 and ask if someone is in custody or you can access the following web address for the latest booking information:

What information can I obtain about someone in custody?
You may obtain whether or not someone is in custody, charges, bail, court date, arresting agency, when arrested, visiting hours, where he is currently housed, tentative release date, any holds placed by other agencies.
What address do I use to write to an inmate?
999 W. Mathews Road, French Camp, CA 95231
Can I place money on an inmates account?

Deposit money on an inmate's account: Cash, Credit Cards, and Debit Cards with the Visa or MasterCard logo on them are accepted at the Kiosks located in the 24-hour lobby, South Jail, and Honor Farm visiting lobbies during business hours year-round. Postal Money Orders are also accepted via USPS. Mailed to 999 West Mathews Road, French Camp, CA. 95231 Mailed money orders must have the inmate’s name, booking number, and a return address.

The process can also be made online via, phone number (866) 394-0490.

How do I report to jail?

If you have a court-ordered report to jail date, enter the 24 Hour Lobby on the scheduled date by 9:00 am to turn yourself in. Officers will provide instructions and escort you inside for processing.

Patrol FAQs

San Joaquin Badge
Does the Sheriff operate a BICYCLE PROGRAM like city police departments
Yes. Recently equipped through a generous donation from Alex G. Spanos of Stockton, the Sheriff's Office Specialized Enforcement Team operates on state of the art Specialized brand Rock Hopper bicycles. Enforcement is conducted in partnership with the community and the SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD task force.
Why do you have a BOATING SAFETY unit?
The Boating Safety Unit operates 365 days a year, providing law enforcement services to residents living on 700+ miles of rivers and waterways. During the summer months, they provide service to the additional tens-of-thousands of fishermen and boaters who visit and recreate in the Delta. They enforce penal code and boating safety laws, including vigorously pursuing and prosecuting Boating Under the Influence (BUI) violators. Through aggressive enforcement of this law, this six-person unit (assisted in the summer by reserves) has made the San Joaquin Delta a safe and enjoyable destination for boating vacationers.
What does C.O.P.P.S. stand for?
C.O.P.P.S. is an acronym for Community Oriented Policing and Problem Solving. This philosophy of crime reduction has been in use for over ten years and was expanded from the Community Car concept in 1994 to include all of the Patrol division. Community policing is an interactive process involving deputies with citizens who live and work in the area the deputies patrol. Through problem-solving strategies, citizens and officers working together can identify underlying causes of crime and solutions can be developed to abate the problem.
Does the Sheriff's Office have a CRIME PREVENTION unit or program?
The Sheriff’s Office has one of the oldest crime prevention programs in the state. With the basic belief that citizens are the best crime prevention officers available, the department assists Neighborhood Watch captains, school and community leaders, and other interested persons by providing experts in crime prevention for presentations in the community.
Does the Sheriff maintain a Reserve Peace Officer Program?
The Reserve Peace Office program is comprised of three units; the Air Patrol, Horse Posse, and Patrol Reserves. To join a reserve unit the department requires potential candidates to first graduate from P.O.S.T. approved peace officer training. This consists of a minimum of 640 hours of training. Once graduated, the candidate submits an application and goes through a screening process. If accepted, a background investigation is conducted, consisting of personal history, polygraph, medical (including drug screening), and a psychological test. Passing all of that (!) gives the candidate probationary status in a Field Training Program in Patrol Division. Successful completion of training gives the reserve opportunity to work a variety of assignments throughout the department. Although the position does not monetarily compensate you, uniforms and equipment are provided and you will have the satisfaction of knowing you are providing a valuable service to your community.

The City of Lathrop incorporated in 1989. Prior to that, the Sheriff’s Office provided law enforcement services to the community. In 1990 the City of Lathrop contracted with the Sheriff’s Department to continue providing law enforcement services, (in lieu of the city starting its own police department). Deputies assigned to Lathrop volunteer to do so for a minimum of three years. They receive specialized training in vehicle code, traffic investigation, and other situations indicative of policing a city. Lathrop Police Services also teaches D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) courses to primary grade children in the community schools.


Actually, the Sheriff’s Office has several buses operating in the County. Many you see belong to the Community Corp Program, which utilizes inmates to clean roads and other publicly owned facilities. Court Services and Transportation Division (CSTD) operates two buses and several vans to transport detainees to and from courts in the county. BUT, the BIG BUS is M.L.E.C. (the Mobile Law Enforcement Coach). This bus, bought and built entirely with funds seized from drug dealers, is operated by S.T.A.R.S. volunteers and responds within an hour, 24 hours a day, to any call for service from a department supervisor. It provides full communication facilities (radio, cell phone, fax, computer, thermal imaging, etc.) at search & rescue sites or crime scenes. It also is seen at many community events and has won numerous awards for its innovation and design.

What type of SEARCH & RESCUE services does the Sheriff's Office have?

Currently in the development stages, the Search & Rescue unit is operated through the Boating Safety office. The unit includes Civilian and sworn staff, and can respond to lost or missing persons, drownings, natural disasters or other circumstances as determined by the on-duty sheriff’s supervisors. Presently the capabilities include off-road (4X4 and motorcycle), horses, airplanes, helicopters, and divers. Training is underway to establish response time within one hour 24 hours a day to any circumstance where their expertise could be helpful in bringing a quick and successful conclusion to the incident.

What is the STARS program all about?

STARS is an acronym for Sheriff’s Team Active Retired Seniors.

Records FAQs

San Joaquin Badge
What are your office hours?
Normal business hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. We are open 24-hours a day for custody related questions.
Where are you located?
Our business address is 7000 Michael N. Canlis Blvd, French Camp, CA 95231
How do I go about getting a copy of a crime report? What does it cost?

You may obtain a report by coming into the office and filling out a request form or submit a request via mail. The fee for the average report is $47.00. Additional charges may be incurred based on the size of the report. We accept cash, check, money orders, or debit/credit cards with the Visa/Mastercard Logo. The release of reports is based on current law, policy and procedure, and may affect the outcome of your request. For additional information, you may call (209) 468-4408. You will be required to show proper identification prior to the release of a report. Click here to fill out a Public Records Request Form.

How do I put a restraining order on file?
Restraining orders are accepted during normal business hours. The order you are placing on file is to be a certified copy.
What happens following a restraining order being put on file with your office?
The information contained within the order is entered into our records database for retrieval by name. Based on law enforcement jurisdiction, the information is entered into California's Domestic Violence Restraining Order System.
Do I have a warrant?

You may come to the Sheriff's Office Records Division and present current photo identification along with your request for a warrants check or contact your local court.

Where do I get the forms to petition the court to have my arrest and related records sealed when I was arrested and not convicted?
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