In a typical year, San Joaquin County Sheriff’s deputies respond to over 140,000 calls for service of all types averaging over 11,000 calls per month, or about 380 plus per day. Some calls require investigation, some are quickly resolved; however, others may go on for longer periods of time.
Our ability to provide the public with information is governed by various laws, and in some cases specific call information simply cannot be published. Street addresses are rounded to the whole hundred block, and the date and time shown is when the incident or crime was reported to us, not necessarily when it took place. General remarks are noted to explain what was reported; what the disposition was; and other relevant releasable information. We endeavor to publish and update the log every 24 hours. Only 30 days of log information is kept online.
The Sheriff’s Daily Activity Log contains information on incidents and arrests taken from the initial Sheriff’s Office calls for service, excluding those calls covered by confidentiality requirements.
Information contained in the Sheriff’s Activity Log is taken from preliminary investigations and is subject to reclassification as needed by follow-up investigation and/or review. The number of incidents per area is not comparable because the areas vary in size and population. For information on Neighborhood Watch Program, please call (209) 468-4796.
The number of incidents presented in these logs includes only those incidents known to the Sheriff’s Office, either through discovery by the Sheriff’s Office or the reporting by citizens. Many incidents are never reported to law enforcement, and the percentage of crimes not reported varies with the type of crime, the community in which it occurs, and other factors. Many factors, including random fluctuation, contribute to the variation in the number of reported and unreported crimes.
All Field Operations and Investigative units directly contribute to solving and clearing cases, either through arrests or other means. However, the ability of the Sheriff’s Office to apprehend offenders, either at the scene or through investigation, is heavily dependent on citizen alertness and action since many more crimes are witnessed or discovered by citizens than law enforcement. Your input and assistance are truly appreciated.