A Message From The Sheriff
The San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office has a long history of delivering quality service through the creation of partnerships with the people and the communities we serve. With these partnerships as our foundation, members of this office are committed to enhancing the quality of life in our county by listening to concerns, seeking solutions to problems, and striving to make individuals and communities safe and secure.
Sheriff Patrick Withrow

Recruitment and Hiring
Increase the efficiency of the hiring process and reduce its timeframe, including the arduous pre-employment medical exam. Engage in effective and productive recruitment campaigns.
To establish two (2) Human Resource Personnel Analyst ll’s internally assigned to the Sheriff’s Office.
Presentation to Board of Supervisors justifying the need.
Negotiate with Human Resources on terms of arrangement and staff assigned.
Interview and select two (2) Personnel Analyst candidates.
Complete background for selected personnel.
Establish workstations and necessary system access for Personnel Analysts.
Personnel Analysts to be assigned to the Sheriff’s Office and working at full capacity.
Take control of the medical exam process and reduce the timeframe dramatically.
Draft letter to Board of Supervisors to modify County Administrative Policy number 2505.5.
Submit for Board of Supervisors consent or presentation.
Procure new medical exam provider.
Identify and hire an outside media company to produce engaging and effective digital media recruitment campaigns, with data analytics to measure results.
Identify possible vendor.
Identify funding source.
Procure vendor services.
Engage with vendor to produce needed materials.
Hold regular meetings to review data analytics, measure effectiveness and make appropriate adjustments to media campaigns based on department needs.
To establish an in-house leadership development course as well as create a mentorship program to further prepare staff for future leadership positions. Broaden the scope of training and development of the future leaders of the Sheriff’s Office beyond conventional law enforcement-related training. Implement hard copy reference for duties and responsibilities for various key positions.
To employee industry leaders to develop and instruct a forty-hour leadership development course in-house at the SJSO.
Identify industry leaders.
Procure course development.
Meet with course developers to refine and specify needs.
Identify course supply needs and obtain.
Schedule two courses for 2024.
Develop a formal and effective mentorship program within the SJSO.
Identify neighboring agency mentorship programs.
Develop selection criteria and curriculum.
Develop mentor training and expectations.
Develop mentorship program feedback and updating processes.
Identify and obtain needed program materials and supplies.
Roll out internal announcement of program w/selection criteria and processes.
Open mentorship program for application and selection.
Send staff to formal academic leadership development programs/courses.
Identify appropriate outside leadership development academic programs.
Procure necessary funding or funding source for academic programs.
Identify criteria for staff selection and participation in academic programs.
Develop and establish thorough, structured, useful, and continually updated succession binders for identified positions.
Identify positions requiring succession binder.
Develop succession binder template/requirements.
Identify staff to staff to be assigned to roll out template/requirements and follow-up with deadlines.
Provide training/review of succession binder template and requirements to staff who currently hold identified positions.
Complete succession binders for all identified positions.
Executive/Command staff to review and approve.
Improve the health of Sheriff’s Office employees.
Increase employee participation in the Sheriff’s Office Wellness Program. Reduce the number of employees at risk for diabetes and heart disease.
Conduct an employee survey to identify why certain employees do not participate.
Analyze survey data and address issues to increase participation.
Increase the number of allocated spots to incorporate Professional Staff.
Implement a policy that allows for on-duty workouts or pre-shift workout on overtime.
House the Wellness Program at the new Training Facility.
Build a new gym that is well equipped at the new Training Facility.
Acquire funding for employee “Body Scans”.
Purchase revolutionary equipment such as “The Superhuman Protocol”.
Utilize technology to increase efficiency, measure and analyze effectiveness, increase collaboration, and consolidate information to avoid independent IT silos.
Replace and upgrade the current RMS/CAD system.
Create a workgroup with representation from all divisions that use systems to establish needs/ wants, with regular meetings.
Determine if there should be a system upgrade or RFP process.
Complete office business process review by each division.
RFP or sole source.
Test system, convert data, ensure staff are fully trained.
Go live by December 2025.
Create a Sheriff’s Office Accountability Statement to include evaluation surveys and update the Sheriff’s Office evaluation process.
Create an easy-to-understand code of conduct for sworn, custody, and professional staff. The code is intended to be used for day-to-day operations and referenced in the evaluation process.
Research codes of conduct used by others.
Have a committee review the research.
Develop agency specific code approved by the committee.
Obtain Sheriffs approval.
Conduct a series of agency-wide surveys to get input on morale. Identify areas of concern for evaluations and training to enhance professionalism and accountability.
Formulate evaluation questions and send out.
Review responses and apply data to creation of evaluation. (Multiple surveys may be needed).
Present findings to Executive Staff.
Modernize the evaluation process with an emphasis on participation, accountability, and employee development.
Obtain examples from other agencies.
Create a committee to review and discuss gathered research.
Create and deploy a survey for employee input.
Draft new evaluation and submit for committee review and approval.
Present to Executive Staff for review and approval.
Develop training course.
Train employees and implement new evaluation.