Michael tibon
Correctional Assistant Sheriff
Custody Division
Michael tibon
Correctional Assistant Sheriff
Custody Division
Michael Tibon was hired as a Correctional Officer on June 14, 1999. Then until 2011, Tibon was assigned to the South Jail Core, Jail Core, and Honor Farm Facilities.
He was a Weaponless Defense and Impact Weapons Instructor from 2003-2012.
From 2011-2012 Tibon was assigned to the Professional Standards Division as a Custody Training officer. In October 2012, he was promoted to the rank of Sergeant and assigned to the Jail Core facility.
In March 2015, Tibon was assigned to AB109/Transition Team Sergeant and in July of that same year was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and assigned to Facilities/AB109/Transition team.
In October 2017 he was assigned to the Administrative Lieutenant position and is now the Assistant Sheriff of Custody. He is also a Custody Peer Support Liaison.
In May 2018, he became a Graduate of the National Jail Leadership Command Academy in Hunstville, Texas.