Steve Martinez
Correctional Facilities Lieutenant
Custody Division
Steve Martinez
Correctional Facilities Lieutenant
Custody Division
Steve Martinez was hired in September 2003 as a Correctional Officer. Shortly after joining the team, he graduated from the C.O. Academy and was assigned to the Jail Core.
In April 2005, he joined the CERT team and was transferred to the Honor Farm where he also served as a Custody Training Officer from 2006-2008.
In January 2008 he transferred back to the Jail Core and worked there until February 2010. He was then assigned to the Custody K-9 Unit from February 2010-October 2012. In October 2012, he was promoted to Correctional Sergeant and served as a facility sergeant at all three facilities as well as serving two years as Relief Sergeant.
In October 2017, he retired from CERT and was promoted to Correctional Lieutenant. He was assigned as the Facilities Lieutenant.
He currently oversees Inmate Food Services, Inmate Telecommunications, Correctional Health Services, Inmate Behavioral Health, Inmate Discipline, and the Custody K-9 Unit.