San Joaquin Sheriff's Office Logo

(209) 468-4400

7000 Michael Canlis Blvd.
French Camp, CA 95231

San Joaquin Sheriff's Office Logo

(209) 468-4400

7000 Michael Canlis Blvd.
French Camp, CA 95231

Mountain House


The San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office provides law enforcement services for the community of Mountain House.


San Joaquin Badge

Emergencies - Dial 911


(209) 468-4400


San Joaquin Badge

Online Report

Online reporting is available for certain crimes which occurred in the jurisdiction of the San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office.

Extra Patrol

If you would like to arrange for extra patrol for your residence or business, you can do so through our online extra patrol request form.

Crime Mapping

Want to see what crime trends are occurring in your area. Visit our Crime Mapping website to search for various crimes and areas.

Neighborhood Watch

Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program that uses citizens, in cooperation with law enforcement, to reduce crime in their communities.

Citizen's Academy

The Citizens Academy is projected to reach members of the community simply seeking to become more informed on law enforcement issues, and those…


The San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office has partnered with Tip411, a texting service and web-based platform, to give citizen’s the opportunity to anonymously submit a crime tip.

Car Stats

San Joaquin Badge

Mountain House – December 2023 Car Statsmountain-house-car-stats car-stats
Mountain House – September 2023 Car Statsmountain-house-car-stats car-stats
Mountain House – June 2023 Car Statsmountain-house-car-stats car-stats
Mountain House – January 2023 Car Statsmountain-house-car-stats car-stats


San Joaquin Badge